Recipe Milo or Cocoa Mug Cakes!


6 Sep 2014
Local time
7:04 PM
Melbourne, Australia
By now everyone's tried microwave mug cakes.....but I put a little spin on mine.....

First I mix mine in a bowl. I know you're not supposed to but I find that it's easier to really get all the mix mixed. I also use a whisk to break up all the dry ingredients and that makes a huge difference too. Here's my favourite recipe I have so far, which is a lot of tweaking and combining of other peoples tips etc...

For one big cake or 2 nice mug sized ones (this recipe expands like crazy, double it for 3 that go over the rim too)...

4 tbs self raising flour
2 tbs sugar (regular)
2 tbs cocoa
1 egg
3 tbs milk
3 tbs melted butter
1 tsp vanilla essence

Dump everything into a bowl or mug and stirr with a whisk, even if you have to have someone hold it so you can twirl the whisk and sort of bob it in the want it to become smooth!

Microwave for 2 or so minutes. When you pull it out stick a knife in and travel around all the sides and if there's still wet batter put it back in for another minute or two...sometimes it just needs more time.

At the end I like to tip mine into a bowl and put some icecream around the outside and some fudge... want to make the fudge?

Fudge recipe
2 tbs icing sugar (pure icing sugar, not icing sugar mixture)
1 tbs flour
1 tbs cocoa
add milk until it's the thickness you like and then drizzle over the cake/icecream.

This mix also works with Milo...but you have to remove 1 spoon of sugar, and add 2 more spoons of Milo. Or 10. Honestly it's up to you. If you want to use Milo though, I would use it for the fudge before I used it for the cake, there's just something missing from the cake when it's Milo IMO!
Looks good, but that's a lot of butter, so this is going to have a lot of calories. I guess that's not so bad if you planned on having s good size treat though. I actually haven't tried a mug cake yet as I don't keep wheat flour on hand.
Milo is so expensive right now, a tin is bloody $16!! But yes, it's a nice staple @cupcakechef ! Because of the cost we've switched to cocoa.

@DancingLady If you use actual butter it's not that much, remember it's melted so it's probably a lot less than it sounds like :wink:. Also pure butter is good for you, it's not a bad fat at all :D. Oh and don't skip it and use margarine or oil because I did try that and it was really different. Neither tasted right and one lost all texture and became like a pancake slab :(.
Now might not be the time to see this since I just 'lost" the one mug that was perfect for mug cakes. Maybe I will just get it out of the garbage and use it until I replace it. i have not had great success with mug cakes. The pictures always look so much better but I won't give up. What is also neat about this is that I have all the ingredients.
I think it's the exchange rate @cupcakechef because right now spending $50 USD costs me over $70 AUD....and it's made life miserable. A little box of cocoa is $5 or more as well and it doesn't last long in this house. I use it a LOT.

@winterybella use a regular mug, I like the rounded bottom ones, then trace a knife around the outside when done and tip it into a bowl. Pour fudge on, put curls of icecream around it....super dooper easy! It does make twice the dishes but to be honest the presentation is about 40 times better and you get to enjoy each bite with topping and icecream which you can't do in a mug....and if you're making more than one you can re-use the same mug :D.
I love Milo, too. There are things that I do with Milo that others may find weird. First, I like to devour as it is. Also, I like to put it on white bread like a spread. Sometimes I even add sweetened condensed milk to the Milo spread and white bread. I know it is too much, but hey, I like it.

Anyway, I like making microwave cakes and this recipe is definitely worth a try.
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