Recipe Mint sauce.


RIP 21/01/2024
3 Oct 2016
Local time
6:01 PM
I've always made my own mint sauce and I believe that my mother did before me. As lamb is pretty scarce in my neck of the woods, it is generally only used as an addition to mushie peas or to make a yoghurt/mint dip for pakoras etc.

I am aware that many cooks make mint sauce as and when required (in fact the same day). I never do this and prefer the sauce to be at least 2 days old before using (I currently have some that's been in the fridge for at least 4 months).

How do you prefer your mint sauce?

My "recipe":

2 handfulls of mint leaves
½ tsp sugar
½ tsp salt
2 tblsp lemon juice
100 ml white distilled vinegar

Put the lot in a blender and blend for 10 seconds. Seal in a jar and refrigerate.

mint sauce.jpg
My mother used to make some to almost the same recipe except there was no lemon juice - still very nice though :thumbsup:

Actually I use lime juice - lemon juice is rare here.
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