My New Year's Day Dinner: Corned Beef and Cabbage


10 Dec 2014
Local time
4:29 AM
Georgia, USA
Yeah. Traditionally in the US the New Year's day meal consists of black-eyed peas, collard greens and ham-hocks, among other things, prepared in one way or another.
Neither my husband nor I am a big fan of black-eyed peas, and Lord knows I've tried fixing them about every way you can think of. They just have a flavor you can't disguise. Kind of like rusted iron and dirt, if you ask me.
Anyway, since it was just the two of us this year I opted to fix corned beef and cabbage with red potatoes and carrots on the side.
It was a late decision and a corned beef brisket can take quite awhile to cook so I decided to put mine in a pressure cooker, though I'd never done one in a pressure cooker before.
It turned out very well. The cabbage, potatoes and carrots were a bit mushy, which I expected, but the meal altogether was absolutely delicious. Next time, though, I will pressure cook the brisket for a little less time so that I can then put my vegetables in last and let them cook just enough to be still a bit crisp.
I was following a recipe, however, from a respected chef and so put everything in the cooker as was stated--including the 12 ounce lager beer (Yuengling).
It really was delicious.

Sounds yummy even though I am not a corn beef lover. I like to move away from tradition sometimes. I can't even think what's big for cooking here in my country when it comes to the New Year's. I suspect most just sleep after much merriment and partying and eat whatever they can put their hands on.
For New Year's day I do not cook any big or special meal; it is usually quite simple. However, the reason for this is that we are usually invited out to dinner in the evening which is a traditional thing that is done every year. So, for lunch on this day, I tend to eat a light and cheap meal. I do like corned beef and this is exactly what I cooked on New Year's day along with some cream potatoes and a few vegetables. I have also eaten corned beef patties before, since corned beef can be prepared in various ways.
All the corn beef talk has be feeling to whip up a quick something before I head out. I know I don't have the corn beef brisket Sherry used. I'd have to settle for the cheaper canned corn beef and while I am no fan it can taste so very good.

Caribbean girl we are going to have to head to the supermarket to see if we can find some of the corn beef Sherry is talking about. In these parts it's not probably going to cheap at all. I can only imagine how tasty that meal was, the cabbage and all. I went checking out a recipe for corn beef and cabbage. I have not narrowed the search. Take your pick. beef and cabbage slow cooker&oq=&aqs=chrome.2.69i58j0i66l3j5i66l2.114635j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8
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