Octopus and Squid


1 Dec 2017
Local time
8:18 PM
SE Florida
How do you prepare or like them prepared? Love grilled octopus Greek style. Fried calamari and stuffed tubes are two of our favorites.
Very slow cooked is my preference - its hit and miss in my experience when fast cooked. With more misses in my case resulting in chewy squid. I've go a lovely spicy squid in black ink slow-cooked recipe which I keep meaning to cook and post.
We also make a salad with quickly steamed squid, and shrimp and/or conch as well, with a dressing of kimchi base and honey over shredded carrots and sliced cucumbers. In fact, I used the last of our frozen squid for this recently. :cry:

I used to like eating squid and octopus when I was in Germany in 1969/70, but they had to get me drunk to try it the first time! I also used to have it at a nearby Greek restaurant, but that is long gone. The newish Turkish restaurant round the corner sells it, but unfortunately I developed a horrendous seafood allergy getting on for 20 years ago so I won't be eating it again.
I've never cooked octopus or squid. Its definitely on my list of things to experiment with. I've eaten both before. Just never prepared it myself.
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