Recipe Our crab in coconut milk


28 May 2015
Local time
8:19 PM
Our crab dish is very simple to make.

The ingredients are: crab, coconut milk, salt. For every kilo of crab, you need the milk of 1 coconut and a dash of salt. For the dip, you need lemon and butter

Procedure: Wash the crabs very well. Press the shredded coconut to get the milk. Boil the coconut milk until there are solid sediments forming. When the coconut oil is evident, put in the crabs and boil for 15 to 20 minutes depending on the size of the crabs.

Serve with the dip plus steaming white rice.

Oh, I forgot. Melt a piece of butter and put in drops of lemon for the dip.
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This sounds really good and quite interesting. I have never heard of such a thing but I would be interested in giving it a try.
I like coconut and crab so I am sure they are awesome together. Thanks for sharing. I enjoy getting recipes from other countries
and cultures!
I wonder if it is necessary to use the lemon dip or is that optional? I think you can put some chilies to add some heat.
I honestly have not had crab in forever. I am not a fan and I am not sure why exactly. I had it as a child as I vaguely remember. I should probably see if it's readily available these days. My husband would love it . While the simple recipe sounds good I see myself adding a few more spicy ingredients.
I love crab. It's pretty expensive here, even though I live on the Gulf Coast, but this sounds like a nice recipe to try for a special occasion. I love coconut as well, and the lemon sounds like the perfect addition to cut through the heaviness of the coconut milk.
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