Parsley Root

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
2:38 PM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
I'd not come across this until now - but its a revelation. Its really delicious. Some say that the taste is like parsnips mixed with carrots and it certainly looks almost identical to parsnip. To me it is much more perfumed and tastes of parsnip with a hint of carrot and Jerusalem artichokes. Its lovely grated in salads or made into a puree.

I think it may be more well known in the USA? Has anyone else tried it?

Ooh that's a coincidence.....we decided to grow parsley root this season. Hubby likes parsnips (I don't) and the seed catalogue said it tastes like parsnip so we thought we'd give it a go even though we'd never heard of it (we like to try to grow at least one thing new to us each year). If the predominant flavour is still parsnip then I'm not sure if I'll like it, but I do like carrots and jerusalem artichokes so maybe there is hope :happy:
I'd not come across this until now - but its a revelation. Its really delicious. Some say that the taste is like parsnips mixed with carrots and it certainly looks almost identical to parsnip. To me it is much more perfumed and tastes of parsnip with a hint of carrot and Jerusalem artichokes. Its lovely grated in salads or made into a puree.

I think it may be more well known in the USA? Has anyone else tried it?
Now, this is funny. I'm sure I've seen it at the more well-stocked fruit and vegetable markets (not at supernarkets), but I'm sure I walked right by it, thinking it was a parsnip. They look virtually identical! Even if they are in bins with the greens attached, that doesn't necessarily clear it up. I will have to pay closer attention next time!!

Here's a parsnip:


And, here's a parsley root:

Now, this is funny. I'm sure I've seen it at the more well-stocked fruit and vegetable markets (not at supernarkets), but I'm sure I walked right by it, thinking it was a parsnip. They look virtually identical! Even if they are in bins with the greens attached, that doesn't necessarily clear it up. I will have to pay closer attention next time!!

Please do look out for it. I'd love to know what you think about the taste.
Root parsley is a biennial or perennial plant of its own, a subspecies of common parsley which doesn't produce a storage root (tuberous root). Root parsley is closely related to parsnip and can be used in a similar way. Common parsley (with various types of leaves): Petroselinum crispum. Root parsley: Petroselinum crispum subsp. tuberosum. Parsley root seeds are found at e.g Chiltern Seeds and Kings Seeds. Root parsley is challenging to grow in Finland as it may take 6-7 months for the plant to produce a sizeable tuber. I don't have personal experience of growing root parsley but parsley roots are sold in supermarkets; they are mostly used in soups.
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