Recipe Polenta chips


Legendary Member
12 Mar 2016
Local time
2:38 PM
Shropshire, UK
Recipe - Polenta chips

I recently discovered these in a Marcus Wareing cook book, "Marcus at Home". I have never had much success with polenta, apart from one occasion when making a polenta substitute for mashed potato (why, I can't think) which was only made edible by the addition of half a packet of butter.

The recipe calls for polenta to be made up from scratch with stock to give it flavour:

Ingredients (to serve 4)
100g quick-cook polenta
400ml vegetable stock, hot
50g Parmesan cheese, grated
40g butter
flour, for dusting.

Put the polenta in a non-stick pan, gradually whisk in the hot stock. Boil for 5 minutes, whisking frequently. Remove from the heat, stir in the Parmesan and butter and season to taste.

Line a 20ck baking tray with clingfilm then pour in the polenta. With a wet spatula smooth the surface and even out to about 2.5cm deep. Allow to cool to room temperature then chill for at least 30 minutes, preferably 2 hours. When firm, remove from tray and cut into chip shapes. Toss in flour then fry in hot oil, in batches for about 3 minutes until brown.

My method
Unable to source quick-cook polenta locally I had to use ready made:
This made it even easier. I sliced the block into two, 2cm thick pieces then doused liberally with grated parmesan (dried), salt & pepper and optionally garlic powder to provide the flavour missing due to not making with veg stock. Cut into chip shapes and chill thoroughly - this is key to avoid ending up with a soggy mush.
Deep fry in oil - I used olive oil, until crisp.

They really are very good, and so much quicker and easier to make than regular potato chips. They come out beautifully crisp without even needing double frying. I fancy trying adding different flavours along with the seasoning used above - possibly dried oregano, or even dried chilli.
Well, I will have to try it - although the palava of cooking & pouring into a tray to cool puts me off rather. That means a pan to wash up plus waiting for the mix to cool and then coating in flour before frying. Potato chips seem easier!

But perhaps if I could find ready cooked polenta it would be simpler. I can easily get quick-cook...
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