Question: How Much Water?


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
2:05 PM
Question: Being lost in the desert or adrift at sea in a raft, you have food in the form of a sealed box containing vegetables, but your water was lost. Which vegetables would you want in that sealed box?
I cheated. Here's a list of high water content fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables that are high in water content include:

Melons such as watermelon, honeydew or cantaloupe
Peaches (I would just have to die if this was all I had)
Bell peppers

Source: Eat your water

More importantly, I would want to use the box (hoping it's a crate) to build a raft to get me off the island. :peekaboo:

ETA: I see that I already have a raft. So, why am I stuck on an island?
I cheated. Here's a list of high water content fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables that are high in water content include:

Melons such as watermelon, honeydew or cantaloupe
Peaches (I would just have to die if this was all I had)
Bell peppers

Source: Eat your water

More importantly, I would want to use the box (hoping it's a crate) to build a raft to get me off the island. :peekaboo:

ETA: I see that I already have a raft. So, why am I stuck on an island?

The question regarded vegetables, to the exclusion of water.

You might want to consider the compactness of high water veggies. How much water can you have in that box with specific dimensions? Some veggies have more water per cubic inch than others, even though their percentage of water content may be less than those others.
If at sea I would use sea water to cook. But this assumes I have a means of cooking on the raft. That isn't very likely. It might be likely that I have a means to cook in the desert though.

More detail needed! :) What cooking facilities do we have?
If at sea I would use sea water to cook. But this assumes I have a means of cooking on the raft. That isn't very likely. It might be likely that I have a means to cook in the desert though.

More detail needed! :) What cooking facilities do we have?

The question is not about cooking. It asks how much water can you get from a choice of vegetables.
Like MJD I too looked things up and found the following web reference....

Vegetables High In Water

Given that a leafy vegetable like Lettuce can have up to 96% water, the thing that it does have when compared to say, Celery, Radishes, Cucumber and Zuchini is compactness. Lettuce is leafy with lots of air space between the leafs. Therefore, even though it can contain nearly all water, it won't fit in volume in that sealed box.

Celery, Radishes, Cucumber and Zuchini are all fairly compact vegetables by contrast, meaning that choosing them for the contents of that sealed box, means that you'll have more water than if you chose Lettuce or Bok Choy.

My choice would have been Radishes and Cucumber, each at 95+% water, similar to Lettuce and Bok Choy, but more solid and compact.
One interesting point about vegetables that are high in water is their ability to be frozen. For example, freezing Radishes will cause them to change state, becoming mushy and releasing water when they are thawed. By that example, one might think that the veggies highest in water content can't be frozen. But that isn't the truth. It really depends upon the fibrous nature of the veggies, not just their water content. Scallions, for example, can be frozen OK. Peas, Corn, Carrots and Potato can also be frozen, although they have lower water content. Brocolli can be frozen.
Question: Being lost in the desert or adrift at sea in a raft, you have food in the form of a sealed box containing vegetables, but your water was lost. Which vegetables would you want in that sealed box?
Back in the day part of my IDF training was desert survival so I will not spoil that question. We have spent a lot of time at sea, so in the box would be sweet corn (bait) and a fishing line. I would leave the box open and hope the moisture I got from the fish I caught would tide me over till it rained and filled the box. A few years ago when I was fit enough to work the boat, my wife would fish.

Like MJD I too looked things up and found the following web reference....

Vegetables High In Water

Given that a leafy vegetable like Lettuce can have up to 96% water, the thing that it does have when compared to say, Celery, Radishes, Cucumber and Zuchini is compactness. Lettuce is leafy with lots of air space between the leafs. Therefore, even though it can contain nearly all water, it won't fit in volume in that sealed box.

Celery, Radishes, Cucumber and Zuchini are all fairly compact vegetables by contrast, meaning that choosing them for the contents of that sealed box, means that you'll have more water than if you chose Lettuce or Bok Choy.

My choice would have been Radishes and Cucumber, each at 95+% water, similar to Lettuce and Bok Choy, but more solid and compact.

Given that, the OP is confusing. You didn't mention anything about the size/volume of the sealed box. 🙃
Yes, if you can put 20 waterelons in it that would take care of the problem for a while.

I stil have toruble wrapping my head around why you can't ust drink the seawater. I use sea salt, unrefined. It is good for you having al kinds of minerals in it. It it the sea minus the water. So if it is with the water...what ?

They say it makes you crazy. I just don't see how

I stil have toruble wrapping my head around why you can't ust drink the seawater. I use sea salt, unrefined. It is good for you having al kinds of minerals in it. It it the sea minus the water. So if it is with the water...what ?

They say it makes you crazy. I just don't see how

Too much salt, which can kill you.
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Been since Monday anyone posted, so maybe a joke ?

Was an SNL skit with John Belushi. He ran a nuclear power plant and had to leave for a bit. When he left he said "You can't have too much water in the reactor". Of ocurse it goes low on water.

They are unsure if he meant that the more the better or not to put too much in. So they got the whoe plant in there voting ad "We have 114 for...
BOOM mushroom cloud.

(see, mushroom, it has something to do with cooking)

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