Re-Kindling My Love Of American Cheese


11 Sep 2013
Local time
6:51 PM
For many years now I avoided plain old American Cheese like the plague, opting for more flavorful cheeses such as Sharp Cheddar, Smoked Provolone, Brick Cheese, Horseradish Cheese and others. More specifically I'm referring to the American Cheese you get from the deli, not those awful individually wrapped Kraft singles or their knockoffs.

The other day I was making myself a hamburger, and realized we didn't have any sharp cheddar or any of the other mentioned cheeses available, just some American cheese, so I broke down and used it. I had forgotten how well this stuff melts. Not to mention, I've been eating these stronger flavored cheeses for so long, I had forgotten how nice it is from time to time, to have something milder and creamier instead. The other nice thing was the cheese itself didn't compete with the other condiments, but the creamy flavor instead complimented them nicely.

Of course I've since been making omelettes and grilled cheese sandwiches with it (I pair provolone and american together in those). And I ultimately intend to try it out in some home made mac and cheese. I recall in the past reading that throwing a few slices of American cheese into your cheese sauce will keep it from separating - I would love to see if that works or not.
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