Restaurant Supply houses - love them


12 Apr 2022
Local time
4:04 PM
my stepdad had a restaurant. he would drag me to go buy supplies back in the day. i miss him (RIP) and will forever be grateful for introducing me to the stores. we hit some mega stores in Los Angelos that i felt i needed to put my stepdad in a chokehold to get him out of there. would drive my mom crazy how he could disappear so quickly. i went to one in Los Angelos a few years ago, and the saleman remembered him. haha. i should have put my purchases on "his account".

well, i still roam about on occasion. i am a humble home cook, and dont need a Giant Paddle to stir sauces in a bubbling 25 gallon caldron. but there is stuff for me. prices are way cheaper than walking into a William Sonoma or something similar.

i had to go to a fishing store and it is right next to a restaurant supply house. screech! i went in a bought some containers to make curing pickles easier. haha. i'm glad my wife loves pickles.

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