Recipe Rocket (Arugula) pesto


Forum GOD!
17 Feb 2017
Local time
1:11 AM
Milano, Italy
A different pesto made with rocket, why not? Very simple homemade recipe perfect to seasoning both a dish of pasta and sandwiches as well or eggs or what you prefer.

Few ingredients and you’ll get a tasty and genuine pesto in a few mins that you can also stored in the fridge. (see tips below the recipe on suggestion post)


Serves 2, Preparation time 5 mins

  • 100 g. Rocket
  • 1 unpeeled garlic clove
  • 10 g. pine nuts
  • 60 g. grated Parmesan cheese
  • 30 g. grated Pecorino cheese
  • Extra Virgin olive oil (Evoo) to taste
  • a pinch of salt
  • a knob of ricotta cheese (optional)


Wash rocket and dry it with a kitchen cloth.

Put it in a blender with pine nuts, grated Parmesan and Pecorino, unpeeled garlic clove, a pinch of salt and Evoo, turn on the blender and mix all ingredients to fast speed.

Fast speed but be careful to not burn pesto: stop the mixer two times only for a moment and stir with a spoon. Then go on with mixer.

If the taste of this rocket pesto is too bitter, you can add a bit of ricotta cheese. Now you can use it as you prefer.

Suggestions: if you have not fully consumed the pesto and want to keep it in the fridge, put it in a sterilized glass jar (if you have not already done so) and cover it with Evoo oil to prevent molds from forming. You can keep it in the fridge for 4/5 days, not more.
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