Salt Adjustment? Yes or No


4 Sep 2020
Local time
10:20 PM
Chicago, IL - Midwest USA
I want to make some cornbread and my recipe calls for 1 tsp (2.6 g) of salt.

Do I adjust the salt if I divide the recipe into 1/4ths (quarters)?

Also, should I use 1 egg (full recipe) or divide it as well?
yes. reduce everything to 1/4

fyi: USA "large" egg = 56.7 grams
whisk/beat the egg, remove/use 14.175 grams in the recipe.

yes,, thousandth's of a gram is ridiculous - I'd go with 15 grams of egg.

don't laugh - I do a breakfast egg/bacon/cheese burrito and found I need 1.5 eggs per burrito - so I beat up three eggs and pour 90g into separate bowls (oh, you noticed.... I add a smidge of water before beating....helps break up the whites....)
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