Seafood that I like


18 Dec 2014
Local time
4:28 AM
Phoenix, Arizona
I will admit that there is some seafood that I haven't tried, but for the most part I have tasted much seafood over the years. I also admit that there is some seafood that I prefer over others.

I like shrimp, especially butterfly shrimp and most types of fish especially whiting. I also like crab and scallops as well. To be honest I have tried Lobster a few times, but wasn't impressed with it. To me it seemed a bit too rubbery, maybe it was the way it was prepared but I wasn't impressed.
I didn't really eat a lot of seafood growing up; my parents didn't care for it so we rarely had it. During lent we would have things like fish sticks or fried shrimp on Fridays. When I met my husband I was introduced to a whole new world! He could easily live on seafood and prepares it for us all the time. Salmon has become one of my favorite dishes. Sometimes he grills it, sometimes I bake it. Shrimp is popular in our house too, but we seldom eat fried shrimp. Usually steamed, grilled or sautéed.
I pretty much like every seafood except squid. I've tried calamari in salads, deep fried, in ceviche and none of them tasted good to me. People always tell me if you have squid prepared correctly it's delicious but I thought it tasted like bland rubber bands. It's more of a textural thing for me.
My local flying fish is probably my favorite fish. Outside of that I am happy to work with dolphin, bill fish, salmon, tilapia, tuna and on the odd occasion pot fish. The latter is so full of bones and once it's deboned you are left with so little fish. While I am no big fan of shrimp, I am happy to prepare it for my husband. Recently when I was in the fish market I saw a customer with something he called a box fish. I am left curious about that. He said it was not popular but very delicious.
My love for seafood is great and as such i don't think i can ever get enough; i have a special love for seafood on a whole but there just some that i can't do without such as blue marlin, snapper,shrimp, lobster,curried crab and of course when it comes to conch i' on high as it leaves me totally intoxicated.
I love many types of fish, including the standards such as Haddock, Cod, and Salmon, as well as more hard to find stuff such as Chilean Sea Bass. The later is not actually even a variety of Bass at all, it's real name is Stoney Toothfish, and they changed the name to make it more marketable. It's also a really ugly breed of fish, so you won't often see pictures of it on the packaging. It basically looks like a catfish with the face of a Gremlin, lol, no joke. But the meat inside it is impeccable, it's a big thick bright white filet that is fantastic for grilling and broiling. It's got a fairly meaty texture to it, but not as dense as tuna or salmon.

Orange Roughy is another fish whose real name you won't hear often - Slimefish, lol. Apparently it excretes some sort of slime around it's head, which is how it earned it's name, but people dining on it would probably not want to know about that.
I am a seafood lover. I have lots of favorite seafood dish. Among all seafoods my favorites are the following ang in order:
Shrimp and Lobster especially is cooked in garlic and Sprite.
Squid only if it is grilled
Grilled Tuna
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