Recipe Serbian fried bread


27 Nov 2015
Local time
3:02 PM
So it is not a deep fried English type of bread for breakfast. It is more gentile and with less fat.
-Slices of bread , approx. 1 cm thick
- few eggs
- few drops of milk
- salt and pepper
- oil for frying

- Put some oil in frying pen but not too much. You would want you bread to be half inside the oil. Crack some eggs and add milk. Stir well and dip the slices on both sides in the eggs. Fry both sides until golden brown. Add salt in eggs if you like. It is good with cheese or cream cheese. You can make a sandwich from it. Universal thing and tasty.
Sounds very similar to how french toast is make. I have never had it as a sandwich or with cheese. I will have to give it a try.
Sounds very similar to how french toast is make. I have never had it as a sandwich or with cheese. I will have to give it a try.
That's exactly what I was saying. It does sound a lot like french toast. Either way, I like it and I further love that these recipes seem to be coming right from djord's kitchen.
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Hey there. Well they sound like French toast and they are similar in many ways. The only difference is, here in Serbia, we do not use butter but either lard or if you are a vegetarian like me sunflower oil. Another thing is that we make it simple and no flavourings like cinamon, vanilla , etc., are added. Therefore, this bread is a savoury dish and it never eaten sweet or with anything sweet. The biggest variation here is what i said before, a sandwich or ajvar on top. We usually eat it with yogurt.
This bread sounds good and really easy to make. It sounds almost like naan bread that I eat quite frequently. I love to eat it plain with butter or will make mini pizzas with it. I love Middle Eastern breads because they are so easy to make.
This is exactly how we make French toast, but we normally make it sweet with some sugar or honey, even add some cinnamon. This looks like a nice variation to have it with cheese or cream cheese. Would love this for breakfast.
I have a question for you here,please help.Is there a recipe without cream and with less eggs and without using the stove for preparing French toast?
The recipe doesn't contain cream - just a few drops of milk. In ny neck of the woods its called eggy bread - and we don't use milk or cream. Just dip standard slices of white bread into beaten egg to coat and then fry until golden on both sides. You can't make this without frying it, I'm afraid!
The recipe doesn't contain cream - just a few drops of milk. In ny neck of the woods its called eggy bread - and we don't use milk or cream. Just dip standard slices of white bread into beaten egg to coat and then fry until golden on both sides. You can't make this without frying it, I'm afraid!
Eggy bread - [one] food of champions
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