Squid recipies


Über Member
28 Apr 2016
Local time
3:34 PM
My BF absolutely loves squid and I am planning to cook it for him. Unfortunately I haven't made any squid dishes till date and is completely at loss on what to do. I would be really grateful if you guys can share some easy recipes. I found a lot of them on net but then you can't ask them doubts. If you share it here I would be able to clear all my doubts and then proceed. Thanks in advance!
There are two ways of cooking squid: very quickly or very slowly (several hours). Cooked slowly it becomes quite different in taste - I suspect your BF will never have had it cooked that way. The problem is, that its very easy to overcook it if using a quick cook recipe - in which case it becomes tough and rubbery. It takes seconds to cook. There are various 'methods' which claim to help tenderise the squid such as soaking it in milk beforehand. I must admit I haven't had great success with this and tend to slow cook squid instead.
I get squid tubes,and trim them up ,remove the spine,either stuff with a risotto and braise or at the moment I slice them thin ,fry some chorizo,add the squid fry quick,serve over a rocket salad with caramized lemon and smoked paprika mayonnaise,and a pic oil dressing
I get squid tubes,and trim them up ,remove the spine,either stuff with a risotto and braise or at the moment I slice them thin ,fry some chorizo,add the squid fry quick,serve over a rocket salad with caramized lemon and smoked paprika mayonnaise,and a pic oil dressing
I think slicing the rings thinly really helps to keep them tender. And more or less 'flash fry' them. What is pic oil dressing (or is it a typo)? :scratchhead:
One of our from Greece made is squid salad with vinegar once.
He boiled it in its own ink, then grilled a little with a lots of wine-vinegar and put it on some fresh vegetables.
It was sour and salty, but tasted like the sea!
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