Stockpiling food

I've tried frozen brussel sprout in butter sauce. They were disgusting.
I've been considering wise food storage, but am still on the fence. I wouldn't mind having the water purification bottle, and am curious about the taste of the fruits and vegetables.

The food lasts for 25 years, and the packages are watertight. Just add water. I'm in earthquake country. Supposedly, we should be prepared for "the big one," which is long overdue. - Branded Terms&utm_term=wise foods&utm_content=Wise Food - EXACT

Earthquake country here too, started about 8 years ago, with a 7.1 to start with, the noise was deafening.

Earthquake country here too, started about 8 years ago, with a 7.1 to start with, the noise was deafening.


Don't much care for earthquakes either. Ugh. Now I'm watching all the wildfires burning out of control and people who have lost everything on the news.
Don't intend stockpiling.
But to be honest if I bought no food, with what I have in cupboards and freezers I could live for up to a month. It wouldn't necessarily be a particularly healthy diet...
Always have what I Jokingly call emergency rations in store for those days when I either have no time to cook or I simply CBA.
Don't much care for earthquakes either. Ugh. Now I'm watching all the wildfires burning out of control and people who have lost everything on the news.
I follow Fox News and CNN, I also follow your politics. I've watched the fires on tv. I think nz sent about 30 firefighters over to so cal.

I store about 7 days of easy to prepare food including boxed milk that needs no refridgeration or heat to prepare for hurricane season.

In 2004 we had a hurricane tear up our town and ruined the house, the roof mostly gone, all boxed goods ruined in the kitchen with water intrution, the power was out, no running water. The canned goods we had on hand were a hodgepodge of things. I lived on canned refried beans, a couple cans of peas and lima beans, apple sauce, peanut butter and some saltines that were kept in plastic so were unharmed for about 3 days til food and ice started to arrive with the national guard.

Also now i ziplock bag all my boxed goods and all dry beans, rice and pasta are stored in mason jars. Amazing what a natural disaster does for habits for the rest of your life.
I follow Fox News and CNN, I also follow your politics. I've watched the fires on tv. I think nz sent about 30 firefighters over to so cal.


We sure appreciate all the help we can get. Thank you.
That's called prepping. Disaster preparations.

There's a whole movement of folks in the US who are preppers. For the day that SHTF.

Something like this bug out bag?

Bug out bag.jpg
I follow Fox News and CNN, I also follow your politics. I've watched the fires on tv. I think nz sent about 30 firefighters over to so cal.


It is California's own damn fault with their restrictive environmental laws that don't allow the removal of dead underbrush!:mad: Here in Florida, fires started by natural causes are necessary to burn off older plants to allow for germination and growth of new plants. It is a tool nature uses to insure further generations of native plant species. Greedy developers and stupid greedy local polititians don't understand nor care about these facts. Yup, just keep on building and encroaching. Nature will still continue on.
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