Store Cupboard Umami

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
5:21 PM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
A post from @buckytom (see here) got me thinking about this. What ingredients do you keep in your store cupboard to inject that umami flavour? @buckytom 's post mentioned anchovies which are a fantastic flavour pop in all kinds of dishes. The anchovies melt away and you don't get a fishy taste - just flavour.

Thai fish sauce, also mentioned in that thread adds a similar dimension. But what else? Since my son went vegan that flavour dimension has become seriously important! Here are a few of my umami ingredients - what can you add?

Miso paste
Aminos (I recently discovered this)
Soy sauce
Sea veggies like seaweed, gkim, nori, kelp, dulse are good.

Same with strong tasting fish like dried shrimp, bonito flakes, and other little dried fishies.
We always have anchovy in one form or another, fish sauce, shrimp paste, oyster sauce, soy sauce, tamari and dried porcini/cepes that can be ground into powder to enhance dishes. I used to be sceptical about using "bases", but after trying lobster base, I now have several in the fridge. You just have to be careful with salt when using them.
Pretty much the same as you mentioned really bit a couple more

Miso paste (I have 4 or 5 different ones and find some better than others for certain dishes, they keep forever in the fridge)
Tamari - I've a couple of brands that I like but my favourite is Kikkoman
Liquid Amino
Nutritional yeast (flakes or powder)

A few extras that just add something extra to a dish)
Balsamic Vinegar (it goes well into a surprising number of dishes adding that little extra)
Barberries (Zarashk)
Mountain Pepperberry (this is a native Australian/NZ spice)
Tamarind dates or concentrate (unadulterated concentrate mind you)
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