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StufZ as seen on TV


16 Feb 2014
Local time
5:19 AM
There's been a couple of products that I've seen on TV that I have gotten curious about, but not curious enough to actually buy. However, there is one product in particular that I have seen that I would like to purchase not for myself, but for my husband since he has shown some interest in the product.

As soon as StufZ came out on TV he was raving about how he wanted to get it. I have to admit it did seem appealing and something worth buying. I haven't bought it yet, but I am really considering getting it for my husband's birthday coming up next month. It does seem like something he would enjoy and since he does make hamburgers every now and then I am sure he would like to add something in the plain burger to make it more tastier.

I really hope this product is worth buying. If you were to purchase this product what would you add to your burger?
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