Tips on Cooking a Moist Burger


3 Dec 2013
Local time
3:26 AM
I am sure most people have eaten and also cooked a dry burger. To ensure mine are juicy, I do the following:

1. Purchase ground beef that has fat. Fat is a substance that gives meat flavor and moisture.
2. Avoid 'flattening' the patties. Whenever you smash down a patty, you are releasing juices.
3. Cook my patties in butter. Butter is also another fat, which helps bring flavor and moisture to the meat.

Cooking a moist burger it's sometimes challenging, so no doubt these are good tips to make it really juicy and not just from the serving moment but while being eaten.

Sometimes I have served moist burgers that tend to dry up once they get cold.
Thank you for the tips! My burgers are usually kind of dry so I will definitely be utilizing these tips! :) When you suggest cooking the burgers in butter, would you still suggest that if I plan to grill the burgers? Would that help? Or do these tips only apply if you are frying the burger and not grilling them?
Not flattening the patties and buying hamburger with fat work for both frying and grilling burgers, but what about cooking them in butter? Thoughts?
I usually have the other problem, my burgers are too juicy and I need to let them rest for a bit before putting them on the bun and biting into them - otherwise the bun gets soaked and the burger looks all sloppy.

Butter is good, but it will also brown and possibly develop a burnt taste if it cooks too long. I like to cook my burgers in olive oil personally. Another fun variation is to make a compound butter with garlic and herbs. Then when you take the burgers out of the pan or off the grill to rest, place a little of it over the burgers to melt over them, keep them moist, and add extra flavor.

Some people like the flatter burgers, that are cooked through well and extra crispy on the outside. I would say, if you want a flat burger, flatten it as soon as you put it on the grill first, so you don't squeeze out all the moisture.
Another thing to think about is to make sure that you are not overcooking it. Even with burgers you can do it medium or even raw if you like that, just make sure that it's a good quality steak.
I've cooked the last few lots of burgers we've had in the halogen oven, and that keeps them nice and moist, while cooking them just right. You really need a good quality meat to start with, though, so buy the best you can afford. Same goes if you buy ready made ones. It's no good buying economy burgers and then complaining that they are awful!
I do prefer a plump burger and cooked till it still has a faint hint of pink. Have the coals good and hot and sear the outside to keep the juices inside. If you do not have a wood or charcoal fire handy to cook it the proper way, you can make do with a griddle if it is hot enough to sear the outside, and bacon fat is much better than butter.
I only have one challenge with moist burgers and that is they tend to break up while picking it up from the pan to the plate. Then it ends up being a lot of pieces instead of one piece.

Of course, that is not a show stopper but then everyone likes to get it right. Correct?
Searing the outside of the burger will keep it together, keep the moisture inside, and allow you to cook it enough to keep it together, On a charcoal grill, keep one area hot enough to sear the burger, and then move it to a cooler area to finish cooking.
you cook the patties in butter? I never thought to do that since they are already so oily, but I guess it wouldn't make that much of a difference! I find that my patties usually tend to get a bit dry and overcooked since they are usually thin and cook so fast. I will try the butter trick!
Awesome tips. I`m always struggling with frying my burgers to be moist and soft. Usually they get well done, but not really the way they should be. I will experiment with frying them in butter for sure.
Great tips on choosing some beef with fat. People pay so much for beef that is really lean, but then expect and want a juicy burger. You need that fat to get a juicy bite. I like grilling and then putting some beer over my patties about 10 minutes before they are done.
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