To bake or not to bake


23 Nov 2014
Local time
2:59 AM
Every year it is traditional for my mother to bake Christmas pudding, lots and lots of them and give each of us one or a large piece of our own. This year she decided that she was not going to do it, she was tired. We almost cried as this has become a tradition for many years and the pudding was a set part of our Christmas gathering. My sister and i decided that we were going to try and do it and we did. Mom ate the first slice and decided that it was good but not her kind of good, lol.
Perhaps next year it is time for her to reach you and your sister the recipe and how she does it before it is lost for good?

Due to my back injury we have not actually opened the Christmas came I made less than a week before a disk catastrophically rupture in my back. I have been lucky with the surgery but am unlikely to make a full recovery and at the moment don't need the calories that are in the cake (I'm pretty much bedbound due to the nature of our house and staircase which I cannot manage alone). The cake can be eaten at Easter, it will easily last that long without being frozen!
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My family has always made many different cookies to give away at Christmas. I joined the tradition briefly, but cost of ingredients and electricity put a halt to that. At the moment I have made an agreement with my room mate that we will not use the oven for a while, so there was no baking this season at all. We just don't have the income right now to pay the bill for all the electricity. I also pretty much don't eat gluten except for very special and rare occasions, so I have very little motive to make these traditional recipes that I don't want to eat. The side effects are not worth the taste to me anymore.
lol! Sometimes it is very hard to make someone else's recipe. The next time you make it, maybe she can give you pointers. I am sure that it was good but there is something about when momma makes it that is just a little bit better. When I was a little girl, I watched everything my mom did. This is how I learned how to cook her recipes.
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