Recipe Traditional pudding


28 May 2015
Local time
4:25 AM
I call this traditional pudding because I learned the recipe from my grandma.

Ingredients: leftover bread, egg 1 piece, sugar 6 tablespoon, condensed milk 1 can, evaporated milk 1 small can, a small box of raisins, butter

Procedure: Crush or ground the leftover bread. If the bread is not crunchy enough, you can shred it by hand. In a container, pour the condensed milk and evaporated milk. Add the sugar and the egg. Stir the concoction until it looks blended. Add the shredded bread and stir until the mixture looks like a wet dough. Add the raisins and mix very well.

Apply butter in the pie pan before pouring the mixture. Bake in 300 degrees for 15 minutes, set the heat to 350 for another 15 minutes and finish it in 300 degrees for the last 10 minutes.
This recipe resembles what we call bread pudding in my country. I always enjoy making bread pudding because it is such a simple recipe. It also makes a good dessert and goes well with ice cream. This is a dessert that is often seen at restaurant luncheons and dinners, so it is very popular in my country.
It DOES sound like bread pudding.

I used to make it a lot. I still tend to get a taste for it now & then. :wink:
Sounds similar to bread and butter pudding, different people make it in different ways but the idea is pretty much the same.

I don't break up the bread instead I cut up a baguette or brioche finger roll into rounds and make up a custard mix to pour over. I am not a fan of condensed or evaporated milk so we use semi-skimmed milk and eggs.
I break up the brad first, and put it all in a baking pan sprayed with a cooking spray. Then when the custard mixture is made, I pour it allover the broken up bread.

I sometimes like to ad a can of drained fruit cocktail & shredded coconut to it. :wink:
This is definitely the go to bread pudding for us. We tend to do this to use up left over bread we have laying around. However we butter the bread first then layer them in a greased dish. Sometimes we switch out the raisins for other stuff like chocolate chippies, dried fruit etc. Sometimes we'll even use jam instead of butter and make a sweeter dessert. We did this same recipe of yours, minus the condensed milk, with some cinnamon buns once, they were awesome.
Sometimes we'll even use jam instead of butter and make a sweeter dessert.

I have never thought of using jam in place of butter when making bread pudding, but it is a good idea. However, if I did use jam, I would omit adding sugar to the mixture, since both the jam and the raisins would add a lot of sweetness to the pudding. It is always good to try new ways of cooking and baking certain things aside from the way we have always done them.
Yes, it seems very much like a bread pudding. It is really great to make if you have leftover bread. One thing, I have never tried is chocolate bread pudding. I want to make that sometime. I think that would be something that would be very yummy. ALso, a whiskey or brandy sauce atop the bread pudding is very nice also. It is hard to beat a good bread pudding.
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