Travelling and buying cookware


Regular Member
5 Jun 2021
Local time
9:49 PM
I searched around but i couldn't find anything about buying typical cookware when travelling.
So i was wondering if you guys have any tips?

I have a list of things i should buy when i travel to some destinations, but I'm always wondering what I'm forgetting to add.
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I don't buy much when I'm traveling, unless it's by car and I have room for it.

I just bought measuring spoons, and I bought a toast rack once (two, actually; gave one to a friend).
Explain. Are you cooking meals outside? I don't bring cooking equipment when traveling unless I'm going camping.
No! Sorry, my English is not the best :facepalm:

I meant that when I'm traveling I try to buy typical cookware and ingredients from that place.

For instance: I'm from Brazil, if you ever came here, I suggest you to buy a "panela de barro" (a clay pot, particularly from Goiabeiras, a group of crafswomen from Vitória)

it's the only pot you can use to make the real moqueca (an amazing fish dish)
going to Germany.... buy the knives. superseriously less expensive than whence exported to US.

if flying, knives must be in checked-baggage.

funny story..... did Europe on business 3-4-5 times a year. picked up a lot of stuff.
especially Wuesthof knives.
so once upon a time, checking in at FRA headed to PHL, they had "prescreeners" asking the usual questions....
did you pack your bag yourself?
did anyone ask you to carry anything with you?
one of the usual pitter patter questions was "any knives or weapons in your baggage?"
the dude forgot / neglected to ask the question.
as he initial and prepared to put his sticker on my bag . . .
I blocked his hand and mentioned that he had not asked about knives and weapons and in fact I had an 8 inch knife in this here bag....

thought he was going to faint dead away..... initialized different color sticker . . . pasted on
good to go....
Some hotel suites have dishes & cookware already there for those who don't plan to eat out much. I plan to eat out in Chicago when I go there the end of this month. The trick is to get away from doing any housework while there. :whistling:
going to Germany.... buy the knives. superseriously less expensive than whence exported to US.

if flying, knives must be in checked-baggage.

funny story..... did Europe on business 3-4-5 times a year. picked up a lot of stuff.
especially Wuesthof knives.
so once upon a time, checking in at FRA headed to PHL, they had "prescreeners" asking the usual questions....
did you pack your bag yourself?
did anyone ask you to carry anything with you?
one of the usual pitter patter questions was "any knives or weapons in your baggage?"
the dude forgot / neglected to ask the question.
as he initial and prepared to put his sticker on my bag . . .
I blocked his hand and mentioned that he had not asked about knives and weapons and in fact I had an 8 inch knife in this here bag....

thought he was going to faint dead away..... initialized different color sticker . . . pasted on
good to go....
Excellent, thank you!
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