

27 Apr 2014
Local time
6:50 PM
Between a frying pan and a fire
It has been raining in the damp tropical corner of the world in which I live, and I am down with the flu and miserable. You know what always makes me feel better, though?

Chocolate rice pudding-porridge.

This is tsamporado, because my language stole this alphabet and was too cool for the C. Just kidding, it's also (indeed, usually) spelled champorado, and is Spanish in origin. Champurrado, which is what it was probably first spelled like when the Spaniards first came to the Philippines, is originally a drink, not a food, it means "to mix one liquor with another" but the chocolate and corn meal version doesn't have any liquor to my knowledge so I wonder why they called it that.

Chocolate and corn meal? Such a combination could only come from Central America, home of the great and bloodthirsty empire that first cultivated xocolatl or chocolate. Here's a link to a traditional Mexican recipe.

The recipe in the link is much fancier, actually, and does complicated things with steeping spices. If I wanted to make tsamporado, I'd just boil some sticky rice and pour some cocoa powder and sugar in. Done in maybe 10 mins. Maybe add some salty dried fish, to balance out the sweetness.

Because I'm being bothered by culinary muses, though, I wondered about... er... non-chocolate tsamporado, which might be a contradiction. There's white chocolate tsamporado out there, I've heard of coconut and pandan tsamporado, and am thinking about how to thin out a coconut milk molasses and ginger sticky rice cake (biko) to make it into a porridge (bikorado?)

Or maybe I can make tsamporado more Mexican again and just add some chili pepper to the chocolate. It should do wonders for my congestion (and digestion) right now!
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