Turmeric Anti-Inflammatory


30 Jan 2015
Local time
6:26 AM
Turmeric is a root vegetable that can be eaten fresh or dried and ground into a powder. It’s a very popular spice especially in Indian cuisine.

is one of my top choices for fighting inflammation and cleansing the blood. Turmeric’s potent health benefits are due to the presence of the antioxidant curcumin which has been widely studied and praised for its beneficial properties. Reduction of inflammation and pure blood helps keep you healthy and energized. Turmeric can be taken as a supplement or add the spice to your food when cooking.
Quite a timely reminder. You caused me to head back to the kitchen and add some tumeric to a chicken stew I am preparing for lunch. I have been hearing more and more about the positive effects of tumeric and with some of my health concerns I should not be forgetting to add it to my meals as often as possible. I am hoping to create some smoothies with it as well. Thanks again.
Quite a timely reminder. You caused me to head back to the kitchen and add some tumeric to a chicken stew I am preparing for lunch. I have been hearing more and more about the positive effects of tumeric and with some of my health concerns I should not be forgetting to add it to my meals as often as possible. I am hoping to create some smoothies with it as well. Thanks again.

Careful not to eat too much, or you'll turn orange! (This can happen with carrots apparently..)
Oh wow, alright then! I actually wasn't aware that tumeric had such high impact on health as a whole. I do enjoy the spice itself and how it flavors my food but with this new knowledge I will be sure to use it more and experiment with it in other dishes I haven't thought would be suited for it's use. Thanks for the post, very informative!
I use turmeric sparsely because I find its flavor to be too dry and peppery in large amounts. I always think that you need to have large amounts to get any health benefits, do you think that's true? Either way I do try to incorporate it when I can.

The one dish I find I can put larger amounts in is butternut squash soup. It offsets the sweetness.
Tumeric is a wonder herb for healing purposes. My son hurt his arm and I put turmeric on it and it healed rather quickly. I cook with it as well. I ad it to rice to turn it into yellow rice. It's a good herb to keep around.
Tumeric is a wonder herb for healing purposes. My son hurt his arm and I put turmeric on it and it healed rather quickly. I cook with it as well. I ad it to rice to turn it into yellow rice. It's a good herb to keep around.

I always remember you speaking about it helping with your son's arm and that has stayed with me. Someone asked about the quantity you need to use for real results. That's something I have always wondered about. I have vague recollections of someone on one of those promotional commercials suggesting we use it in small amounts when juicing or using their featured "miracle" equipment. I will research it some more. Whatever the case it's getting a thumbs up even from medical doctors.
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