What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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This morning I mowed the front lawn and 2 back lawns, weeded the front but it is so hot I stopped :heat:
Wet here but still picking carnations that I propagated in December. Unbelievable because we are in winter but they are planted in pots on the decking with cover. I love carnations but these are smaller than I like. Do you have flowers in your gardens? I'm not big on flowers but really like carnations.

Wet here but still picking carnations that I propagated in December. Unbelievable because we are in winter but they are planted in pots on the decking with cover. I love carnations but these are smaller than I like. Do you have flowers in your gardens? I'm not big on flowers but really like carnations.


Carnations are quite good as cut flowers - they last a fair time. I love the deep red ones. I have flowers in window boxes at the front of the house. I'm trying (after 4 years without success) to bring on some Morning Glory :D. So far I have four seedlings planted either end of the window boxes which are dazzling with white petunias.
There's not much happening in my garden in the way of flowers currently. But come the spring the trees will be covered and I might finally suss out what fruit trees I have other than stoned fruit. There are also several very large roses and a hassle vine. I also brought some honeysuckle cuttings from my last place which have rooted so I've 2 varieties. The standard wild honeysuckle and a yellow flowers variegated variety. Then there's some climbing rose I took cuttings from, and my lavenders plus another blue flowering shrub which is still flowering even now. There are several fushia here which I love. It's only just spotted flowering as has an unknown lily of some kind my mother recognised. After that it's going to be a case of seeing what happens and what is planted. There's plenty of agapanthus (no idea on spelling or if it is the white or blue flowering one) and there may be some daffodils, I'm not sure yet. I'll know soon though.
Yet I guess there's a few...
Sat nav, you are only a few hrs away from me so those flowers and plants are also common here. I cut down a large cherry tree here my brother in law planted 30 years ago. My bil is a qualified tree guy and he recommended this tree, and it's been a right pain in the arse. Every year I had to trim as it was near power wires. My bil said it would only grow to 5 foot. When cut it was about 15 ft. So much for the dwarf cherry tree. I still have the stump to deal with.

Round here anything near power lines gets a free annual hair cut courtesy of the electricity board. Someone comes and asks permission to inspect the power lines. Then comes back and discusses any problem trees. Agrees a course of action. Logs it and a few days later a tree surgeon team turn up and cut as necessary, clearing up and removing all cut off wood. It's very efficient.
This house needed an apple (we think it's apple anyway) cut back. We both agreed that anything that high way useless anyway because you couldn't pick the fruit!


A red gooseberry and some mystery bulb shoots...


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