A question about canned sardines


Regular Member
6 Aug 2022
Local time
12:20 AM
Vancouver, WA

I have kind of a weird novice question- i'd like to make this dish that involves broiling sardines for 5 minutes. My sardines however are canned in extra virgin olive oil and I'm worried that could be a potential fire hazard. Is it enough to rinse off the sardines before broiling them or am I just being paranoid?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thank you!
Hello there!
First of all - canned sardines are cooked. And I mean, well cooked, so if you broil them, they may just fall apart.
Secondly, I don´t think you´re going to cause a fire just because of a little bit of oil, but what you could do is just let the sardines drain (in a colander or sieve) for 20 minutes before cooking them.
If you´ve got a local fishmonger, you might want to ask if they have fresh sardines, ready cleaned and filleted. They´d be so much easier to broil.
I'll echo what karadekoolaid has said. Canned sardines are already cooked and very soft. But they will broil (called grilling in the UK). I've broiled sardines on toast, for example. But I'd really need to know what the whole dish is to advise further.

I don't think the oil is an issue really. I would simply drain them (and maybe save the oil for another use).
I'll echo what karadekoolaid has said. Canned sardines are already cooked and very soft. But they will broil (called grilling in the UK). I've broiled sardines on toast, for example. But I'd really need to know what the whole dish is to advise further.

I don't think the oil is an issue really. I would simply drain them (and maybe save the oil for another use).
Hello! Im sorry its taken so long to reply. The dish is described as coating the sardines in a melted butter/parsley/red pepper flakes sauce and then you roll them in panko and broil them for I think it was 5 minutes. It did say you could use canned sardines, but it didn't mention ihow they needed to be packed- oil or water. It looks amazing and I wanted to try them out on a spinach salad. Or possibly rice.
Hello there!
First of all - canned sardines are cooked. And I mean, well cooked, so if you broil them, they may just fall apart.
Secondly, I don´t think you´re going to cause a fire just because of a little bit of oil, but what you could do is just let the sardines drain (in a colander or sieve) for 20 minutes before cooking them.
If you´ve got a local fishmonger, you might want to ask if they have fresh sardines, ready cleaned and filleted. They´d be so much easier to broil.
Thank you! Im going try draining them, the recipe only calls for them to be broiled for 5 minutes, theres a butter sauce you coat them and then add panko so its probably just to set the panko crust? I've been dying to try this but im paranoid of fire lol
Thank you! Im going try draining them, the recipe only calls for them to be broiled for 5 minutes, theres a butter sauce you coat them and then add panko so its probably just to set the panko crust? I've been dying to try this but im paranoid of fire lol

Well my experience of tinned sardines is that they are nigh on impossible to remove whole, let alone coat them a butter sauce and panko. They are cooked so the bones are soft, so the flesh is very soft and fragile too.

Would you be able to post a link to the recipe? It sounds as if its really designed for fresh sardines which are very different.
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