Alternative to cows cheese?


24 Sep 2013
Local time
11:04 AM
I gave up cows milk a year ago but l still eat the cheese, l really want to try something else like goats cheese for example but l'm too nervous to:) l don't want to go crazy and try the french cheeses with different colours and crazy smells l just wanted something that is not too far off from cows cheese, any ideas?
Goat cheese has a very different taste! If you want something similar then it's definitely not your best bet. But why don't you try it anyway, maybe you will like it more than you liked cows cheese?
Goats cheese comes in really mild versions nowadays which don't 'stink the house out' just like some cow's cheese products can do - think of some of those french cheeses - they stink as well... then there are sheep's cheese versions (really nice and creamy) and would be fine for you. (also there are buffalo milk cheeses - think proper mozarella).

What country are you in? If you are in the UK then look at Wensleydale cheeses - there is a really nice ewe's milk wensleydale around and many yorkshire cheeses have ewe's milk or goat's milk versions which are really mild. Both of the main goat's milk producers for the mass market (St Helen's & Delamere Dairys) produce really mild goats cheese and goats butter options as well as yoghurts and obviously milk. I think one of them now does an ice-cream as well.

(for around 15 years or more I used to live off goats' and sheeps' milk products after developing an allergy to cow's milk, but now am allergic to all dairy :( )
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