Recipe Chief Longwind's World Famous Pancakes

Chief Longwind

Über Member
27 May 2017
Local time
3:05 AM
Saut Sainte Marie, Siberia, I mean Michigan
Yeh, BT, you knew it was coming. I put this thread here because pancakes have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember:hungry: (that's about three minutes any more). Anyways, my dear old grandpa used to cook them when I'd visit with my Dad on a Saturday morning. He always ussed Aunt Jemima brand pancake mix, and cooked them up with a side of pork, breakfast sausage. Sometimes we'd get syrup made from maple flavoring and simple syrup. Usually we got store-bought syrup (Log Cabin dontcha know). One in a while, we were treated by real maple syrup. He'd walk in with a platter of hot pancakes, singing this jingle - "Pancakes are delicious, pancakes are so fine, I oughtta know, 'cause I like 'em so, that I eat 'em all the time. Yep, I loved those pancakes.

Fast forward about 17 years. I'm married, and learning to cook from scratch, and loving it. My wife had received a bider of recipes as a wedding gift, from a teacher. I used the pancake recipe fro that book to make my pancakes. Over time, I noticed that sometimes, these from-scratch pancakes were good. Sometimes, they were wonderful, and I didn't know why. Then, my eldest daughter notice on one occasion when they came out extra good, that I was sloppy measuring one of ghe ingredients into the batter. Well, having a scientific background, and a bachelor of science engineering dgree, i decide ot use my skills to experiment, and take note of the results. I was able to accurately quantify the ingredients so that I could duplicate the great pancakes every itme.

Not boasting here, but there are many, many people who have told me that these pancakes are the best they've eveer eaten. But I'lll let you be the judge of that. And so, here is the recipe.

1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tbs. sugar
3 tsp. double acting baking powder
Whisk these together in a large bowl

1 large egg
3 tbs. cooking oil
Whisk the oil and egg together until smooth.
Add 3/4 cup of milk
2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
Whisk until smooth

Preheat a griddle over medium high heat. Rub the pan surface with a little butter.
Add the liquid ingedients to the dry ingredients and whisk to make a lumpy batter. By the time you get the batter lump-free, you will have over-developed the gluten which will result in tougher :headshake:pancakes.

Three to four tbs. of batter per pancake onto the griddle. Cook until bubbles start to form on top, and begin popping. Flip and cook about 2 more minutes, or until the bottom is golden brown. Serve immediately with your favorite topping.

This batter is great with fresh blueberries, or M&M candies, or kernals of sweet corn added. They are also great with bits of crunchy bacon (cooked of course) added to the batter.mmEnjoy these very light, fluffy, and moist pancakes.

Now you want something intense, that's where my Raging Bull salsa recipe comes in. But that's another tale, and one not shared with the meek.:heat:

Seeeeeya; Chief Longwind
"There is no success that justifies failure within the home."
I hoped you would post this, brother.

I think I posted this as "American Pancakes".

If I did, I'll ask to have that deleted in favor of this discussion.
@Chief Longwind

Thank you for posting your Pancake Recipe .. Definitely a perfect Brunch for sure ..

Have a nice weekend ..

You are very welcome. Hope you enjoy it soon. You won't be disappointed. It's right up there with home-made, fresh from the griddle, English Muffins with butter and raspberry jam.

Seeeeeeeya; Chief Longwind .
Good recipe, but I use whey instead of milk and omit the sugar when I make pancakes. That way I can use them in sweet and savoury dishes, and also give them to the dog.
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