Cows milk or Soya?


24 Sep 2013
Local time
9:26 AM
I was able to cut out cows milk after spending my childhood drinking it and now l use natural soya milk for cereal and drinking chocolate and it's really nice, do any of you use a substitute for cows milk?
I use a combination of different milk alternatives. My OH prefers soya milk, but I don't like it by its self so have tried various others and found I rather like nut milks particularly home-made ones, but I very much like the fresh enriched oat milk. I was previously getting the organic version but it is not enriched and does not contain enough calcium for my needs (I need to ensure I get a high calcium diet due to long term steroid use because of my severe asthma). So I generally cook with soya milk and drink the Oatly milk.

I find the chocolate flavoured nut milks very nice as well and thankfully also dairy free, but homemade nut milks are much nicer than shop bought ones (richer) though not cheap to make!
I have never thought about oats milk but l will look out for it, l'm always looking out for other types of milk and I even thought about goats milk.
Goats or sheep's milk are both options. I used to be able to drink either. Sheeps milk is more nutritionally beneficial for you but much harder to get hold of. I only know of a few places where you can purchase it 'in shop' and always frozen. Farm shops and health Food shops being the obvious.

goats milk is very easily available (in the UK) and really available in even the smallest of supermarkets now. It is very mild compared to what it used to be and there are all sorts of other sheep's and goats milk products available. Goats butter being an obvious one.

Enjoy experimenting and remember that if you don't like one brand's version just try another brand's because they do vary in taste considerably just the same way soya milk brands do.
I have never thought about oats milk but l will look out for it, l'm always looking out for other types of milk and I even thought about goats milk.

A typo that leads me to a story...

NT can't drink regular milk, being lactose intolerant (he can have lacto-free milk). The first year we were together at Christmas at my Mum's, Mum sure to get some alternatives to the cream we normally have on the Christmas pudding that he could have - a soya cream, and a oat cream. None of us had ever had the oat cream, so once he'd had some we all said "can I just try a little....". We ended up nearly finishing it, it was so nice! He had to guard it to make sure there was some left for him the next day!

Now you can get lacto-free cream, which is great, he can have whipped cream again - the soya or oat stuff doesn't work as whipped cream.
ahh but you can get soya whipping cream which is fine for whipped cream - just not in the UK (yet). We had it in Finland (and Sweden & Norway) more than 2 years ago and it was readily available then along with loads of other soya products which have yet to find their way in to the UK market yet - but it is rapidly improving.

Also the most recent oat cream I have tried was exceptionally close to being classed as whipped cream - a little thin for whipped cream holding a shape for a meriguine, but much thicker than I was expecting - rather like very airy double cream when it has been whipped almost to the point of holding its shape...
whilst exercising i drink soya milk i can digest it quicker,as i get older i don't seem to stomach cows ice cream so good,
I prefer fresh cow milk, but I don't have any inconvenience trying other type of cow milk presentations nor drinking soy milk instead.

I know the different health concerns related to different types of milk, but since I'm a healthy person that has not milk intolerance I can enjoy milk or milk substitute with no problem.
I am lactose intolerant. I haven't been able to drink cow's milk for many years. My milk substitute of choice is almond milk. The chocolate flavor is like drinking a dessert.

When I first became lactose intolerant, there were very few options. I used to drink Lactaid, but it really wasn't good. Now, there many choices: soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, hemp milk, etc.
Sometimes I've tried non-lactose milk and it's alright but I'd never change cow milk to anything. Also, I've noticed it tastes really different in each country but I'm getting used to the French taste after a couple of years. :D
I drink soy milk (my favorite type being the chocolate flavored variety) as drinking normal milk has always irritated my throat and mouth and caused a bit of swelling. Strangely normal milk used in products is OK but I can't drink it straight. I'm not lactose intolerant though as I have no problem with yoghurt, cheese ect..
I don't like drinking too much of either actually. Most soy grown in the USA is genetically modified (made with GMOs) and cows are pumped with hormones. I prefer rice or almond milk. Also, too much soy can mess up your hormones!
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