Recipe Eggs in an orange


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
Local time
7:19 AM
Best done on a camp fire that is well established.
  1. Light campfire and allow it to burn until hot coals develop.
  2. Cut the orange in half and scoop out pulp with a spoon from each half (Eat this while your eggs cook!). ...
  3. Crack an egg into each orange peel half.
  4. Season with salt, pepper and seasonings of choice if desired.
  5. Wrap one piece of foil around each egg tightly.
Alternative method would be to to cut the top of the orange off creating a lid. Holding the "lid" in place with a cocktail stick, broken in two, whilst the egg cooks.
I may have a suitable fire....

It is lit and had been for some time. It's exceptionally good at making charcoal for some reason, rather than giving our heat. Click on the image to get a bigger one, you'll see it is lit then.
You're right, it's lit.

Is it really that cold, I'd you marked down as being used to extremes, weatherwise.
You're right, it's lit.

Is it really that cold, I'd you marked down as being used to extremes, weatherwise.
I think it's the issue of the house having been empty and Australians don't do insulation. A tent would be warmer because it heats up much more easily when you are in it. Here the rooms are large and this one needs a door open to keep the fire lit. That particular door is into the sun room which during the day is lovely and warm, but after about 4pm it starts to get really cold in there. Plus I'm cleaning and using a lot of water which means it is damp as well. Can't do much about that except not clean which is not an option. So house gets really cold and it is much like living in a tent, a very large single skinned holey tent at the moment with one of the zips broken so you can't do it up!
-5C should be nothing but.... I actually think I would be warmer in one of the other buildings. We're have a studio room which had superb views as well, but I have yet to clean it or get over there. It doesn't have a toilet bit does have a sink with bore water, electricity and a wood burning stove as of yet untested. Given in on my own for the next few nights I may test it out if I think it is mouse proof because I would be sleeping on the floor having no spare needs yet.
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