Ethnic food forum?

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Forum GOD!
3 Dec 2017
Local time
3:02 AM
SE Florida
Not sure if this has been asked or not, but would it be possible to add an ethnic food forum or even a "if it doesn't fit anywhere else food" forum. Asking because the Dim Sum thread I just started could go either in the meat or seafood forum, and another one I make could go under the vege or seafood forum. Plus I've posted and seen others recipes for other foods that could go in multiple forums, in particular some of the rice recipes posted recently.
Yes it has been asked before. Its inevitable that many recipes will fit into lots of different categories. However many forums we add, numerous recipes will fit into more than one. Thats why its useful to add tags to recipes because then if someone searches a specific ingredient or cuisine, those recipes will show up. There is also a problematic issue with having an 'ethnic' category in that it is categorising some cuisines as different or 'other'. And it very often means different from Western hegemony. Given that we have an international membership on this forum, we think it best not to draw such distinctions. After all, where do we draw the imaginary divide? Is Spanish or French food 'ethnic'. Or is it only Eastern food. Is Russian food ethnic? And so on...

As for 'if it doesn't fit anywhere' there is a miscellaneous food discussions forum if there really is nowhere else. But with recipes - I think we have covered all bases in the forums we have. It will never be the case that recipes will only fit one forum.

A recent example - some rice salads I posted. Should they go in the salad forum or the rice forum? In the end it doesn't matter! I just make sure they have relevant tags.
BTW - your dim sum recipe could go into the pasta section - as essentially they are a type of filled pasta. It may be a good idea to amend the descriptor for that section to make it clear that it includes dim sum. I don't have permissions to do that but can ask SatNavSaysStraightOn.
Well this thread got derailed quickly :highfive:

Given that this is a global forum, I would be uncomfortable labelling anything as 'ethnic', to me it smacks as a little West-centric.
Yep, what's ethnic to me probably isn't ethnic to someone else, depending on where they're from/live. They might think my stuff is ethnic. :)
[Mod.Comment] : This is turning into a discussion thread about the meaning of ethnic food rather than a site support question. I don't want to quell discussion but I need to tie off this thread. Someone could start a new thread in Miscellaneous Cooking Discussions if they wish to continue to discuss.
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