Recipe Grape Molasses


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
7:09 PM
SE Australia
Not so much a recipe but a preservation method. 400g of red grapes gave me 80g of grape molasses.

My home-grown grapes.

grapes, any colour will do.

  1. Wash, and destalk the grapes. If you've time and want to maximise the molasses, chop/slice the grapes and place in a pan with lid over a low heat and leave for several hours until the grapes have softened and there is plenty of syrup in the pan.
  2. Allow it to cool for half an hour or so and then mash the cooked grapes.
  3. Put the grapes through a sieve. You need liquid to get as much out of the grapes as possible without getting too much in the way of grape mash.
  4. Wash the remaining grape mash in hot water and add to the grape syrup.
  5. Now heat the grape syrup over a very low heat for several hours, without a lid this time. You should end up with a thicker syrup much reduced in volume. This not syrup will get much thicker add it cools down, so bear this in mind.
  6. Bottle the end product in a sterile bottle.


It's very common in Mediterranean and middle eastern dishes along with date molasses . I've not been able to obtain it at all here, so needs must . (I have finally found a source of date molasses (it's not the best in the world) and one of date syrup, just not grape molasses. Breakfast or lunch tomorrow will be the traditional dish I've hinted at before. Tahini and grape molasses. It sounds odd but it's wonderful. You serve it spread onto bread or more traditionally you dip the bread into the mixture .I just need to look up the name again (I can easily find it from my journal I think )...
You can buy it in most health food shops in the UK, though I don't remember it tasting quite this good but I'm in a grape growing area, along with olives, of Australia so I'm lucky.

It's a very simple process ,it just needs a long slow heat and not to be rushed, like all old preservation methods that are being lost to the modern age sadly. Start first thing in the morning and it will be ready mid to late afternoon.
Never knew that you could make molasses from grapes!! Will wonders never cease?!! Hah!! :wink:
You can buy it in most health food shops in the UK, though I don't remember it tasting quite this good but I'm in a grape growing area, along with olives, of Australia so I'm lucky.

It's a very simple process ,it just needs a long slow heat and not to be rushed, like all old preservation methods that are being lost to the modern age sadly. Start first thing in the morning and it will be ready mid to late afternoon.

I agree @SatNavSaysStraightOn . Many cooking methods are being forsaken and replaced with "Instant 30 minute solutions".
Great job taking your time.
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