Retro Recipe Gratin Dauphinois my way


Kitchen Witch
29 Jul 2019
Local time
11:38 AM
The Netherlands
A famous French classic, the Gratin Dauphinois. First invented in France to convince people that potatoes were in fact a delicious food, and now a long term restaurant staple. Mine is not entirely classical in the sense that I use cheese, the traditional French one contains only cream. I have made both many times, but I slightly prefer the cheese one. Here is a pic of the one I made today.

What you need:
750 g pre cooked potato slices
500 ml full fat cream
75 g grated mature cheese
3 very finely sliced cloves of garlic
Salt & pepper
(If you enjoy it, adding some fresh thyme and rosemary gives this dish another level)
Olive oil
A baking dish

1) Grease the bottom of the baking dish with olive oil. Pre heat the oven to 200 degrees top and bottom heat. Then lay down the potato slices to form the bottom layer. Grate pepper over, salt to taste and add the slices of one clove of garlic . Spread the garlic over the whole dish. Add some of the cheese and if you enjoy it, the herbs.
2) Top with a second layer of potatoes. Repeat the above but add all the leftover garlic. Then finish with the third layer of potatoes. Top with a little cheese.
3) Pour the cream over the potatoes. They all should be almost covered.
4) Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 mins, then lower to 150 and bake for another 40. If the top gets too dark, cover with tin foil and bake on. The potatoes are done when they have a golden top and the sauce has become thick.
5) Serve and enjoy!
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