Recipe Great hot chocolate


Forum GOD!
3 Dec 2017
Local time
5:49 AM
SE Florida
DD and I went on a bus tour of Italy in 1998 a few days after Christmas until about 10 days into January. Craig had been traveling a LOT for work earlier in the year in Europe and had time for sightseeing as well so he was all for us taking the trip as a Christmas present. We went a few days early because she wanted to spend extra days in the Vatican museums plus there was a traveling Egyptian exhibit, which she is really into, in one of the other museums in Rome at the time. We had some fantastic food in Rome that we found in little hole in the walls and mom and pop local restaurants. But, while we were in Florence, it was really cold so early 1 morning we went to a coffee shop with some friends we had made on the tour to get breakfast and some hot drinks. DD didn't like coffee at the time so she ordered hot chocolate. We all got our coffee and then we were waiting and waiting and waiting for her hot chocolate. It finally came. She tried it and was like OMG, this is the best I've ever had. She gave each of us a little taste and we all echoed the OMG. We all wanted more of it, but she was selfish and wouldn't let us have more. 😡 :D

Shortly after we got back, I was watching the Food Network and a French chocolatier made some hot chocolate using a rich, fairly thin custard base. I thought this seems similar to what DD had so tried it. Yes, a little tweaking and it tasted just the same.

6 servings, about 1 cup each


3 Tbsps cornstarch
3-1/2 cups milk, divided
3/4 cup sugar
3 large egg yolks
Pinch of salt
1 large vanilla bean split lengthwise, or 1 Tbsp vanilla extract

For individual servings
1-1/2 cups milk
6 oz chopped semisweet chocolate


Sprinkle cornstarch over 1/2 cup of milk in a small bowl and whisk to dissolve. Add the sugar and egg yolks and whisk well.

Split the vanilla bean and scrape the vanilla seeds (if using) into a heavy-bottomed medium saucepan, add the vanilla bean pod, salt and 3 cups of the milk, then bring to a simmer over low heat. Remove the bean pod and discard.

Gradually whisk the egg yolk mixture into the milk. Cook, whisking often, over low heat until the sauce comes to a full boil, about 3 minutes. If using vanilla extract, stir it in now. Strain through a wire sieve into a bowl. Cool and refrigerate if not using immediately. Cover with a piece of plastic wrap on top of custard mix to avoid a skin forming.

For each serving, heat 1/4 cup milk over low heat to a simmer, add around 3/4 cup vanilla cream, and 1 ounce of chopped chocolate. Mix until chocolate melts and mixture is smooth and heated through. Serve immediately.

Flavors can be added - raspberry, cinnamon, holiday ginger spice. Add marshmallows or whipped cream. Adult hot chocolate can be made by adding appropriate liquor/liqueurs.

The semi-sweet chocolate can be substituted with dark, milk or white chocolate.

The base can be used as eggnog if you warm it up a bit and add some cinnamon and/or nutmeg and some booze.
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