Ground Mace Durability


Senior Member
17 Jan 2021
Local time
8:37 AM
For how long will ground mace retain its flavour once opened. I plan to use 0.25 tsp twice a week, but if it loses its flavour after a few days, I won't bother.
For how long will ground mace retain its flavour once opened. I plan to use 0.25 tsp twice a week, but if it loses its flavour after a few days, I won't bother.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I had some ground mace that was still plenty potent after a couple of years. I just kept it in a tight jar and in a dark cupboard.
It´s better to keep mace as blades, simply because they last longer. Any spice, once ground, will probably only maintain its full flavour for 3-6 months. Same goes for most ground spices, and if they´re industrially ground, in other words, ground to dust, then probably even less.
I tried a blade in my chocolate quinoa recipe. It had no impact, so I'll try the ground and see what happens.
Ground mace generally retains its flavor for about 6 months to 1 year after being opened, when stored properly in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. However, the actual shelf life can vary depending on factors such as the freshness of the mace when it was ground, exposure to light and air, and humidity levels.

If you plan to use 0.25 tsp twice a week, it is likely that the ground mace will retain its flavor for several months. However, it's always a good idea to check the aroma and flavor of your spices periodically and replace them if they have lost their potency.
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