Recipe Home made pasta, with chili garlic oil


Senior Member
2 Sep 2022
Local time
10:58 AM
Zambezi Valley, Zambia
For 1 pax and still needs a lot of refinement

For pasta:
100 gr flour
1 egg
Pinch of salt
Optional olive oil

For sauce:
Olive oil

Incorporate egg in flour & salt
Knead and keep kneading. Took much longer than I thought. And it needed olive oil as it was too dry without

Rest the dough for about 10 minutes covered

Roll out dough, fold, roll out again, repeat several times

Cut into strips and add to boiling water.

Heat olive oil, add garlic and chili and combine with sauce
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Knead and keep kneading. Took much longer than I thought.
I think it depends on a lot of things: the type of flour, the size of the eggs, the temperature outside, etc. Last time I made homemade pasta (at a friend's house) we used her Kitchenaid to mix the dough. Even then, it needed to be worked a little longer. We also found that resting the dough had a positive effect.
One thing is certain however; the flavour is far superior to the bought stuff!
I totally agree.
I figure for my next attempt to go for 1 egg per 75 gr of flour. I think my flour was all purpose flour, but it could have been bread flour.

It tasted great though!
I opted for one of the most simple "sauces" to let the pasta shine.

I'm sure there will be a next attempt this month :wink:
I totally agree.
I figure for my next attempt to go for 1 egg per 75 gr of flour. I think my flour was all purpose flour, but it could have been bread flour.

It tasted great though!
I opted for one of the most simple "sauces" to let the pasta shine.

I'm sure there will be a next attempt this month :wink:

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[EDIT] I see you edited your original post, so no further action needed. [/EDIT]
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