Jamie Oliver 'v' McDonald's


RIP 21/01/2024
3 Oct 2016
Local time
3:28 PM
I read this today:

McDonald's loses legal battle with chef Jamie Oliver, who proved that the food they sell is not suitable for ingestion, because it's highly toxic.
Chef Jamie Oliver won a battle against the largest junk food chain in the world. Oliver proved how burgers make.
According to Oliver, the fatty parts of the meat are ′′ washed ′′ with ammonia hydroxide and then used in the meat ′′ pie ′′ packaging to fill the burger. Before this process, according to the host, this meat was already not suitable for human consumption.
Oliver, radical activist chef, who took on a war against the food industry, says: we're talking about meat that would have been sold as dog food and human beings are served after this process. In addition to meat quality, ammonium hydroxide is harmful to health. Oliver says this: ′′ The process of pink shit ".
What sane human being would put a piece of ammonium hydroxide soaked meat in a baby's mouth?
In another of his initiatives Oliver demonstrated how chicken nuggets are made: after selecting the ′′ best parts ′′ - the rest: fat, skin, cartilage, visceras, bones, head, legs, they undergo a smoothie-mechanical separation - it's the understatement that engineers use in food, and then that blood-rosy pasta is deodorated, discolored, re-painted and repainted, capped in melcocha melcocha flouracea and fried, this is re-found in usually partially hydrogenated, i.e. toxic.
The food industry uses ammonium hydroxide as an anti-microbial agent, which allowed McDonald's to use in its meat burgers, which is not suitable for human consumption.
But even more disturbing is the situation that these ammonium hydroxide-based substances are considered ' legitimate components in production process s' in the food industry with the blessings of health authorities around the world. Consumers will never be able to find out what substances they put in our food."

True or not?
This is fake news that dates back at least a decade. As far as I can tell, this fake news is based on the fact that in 2011, Jamie Oliver was with involved in a mobilisation campaign that primarily targeted the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The latter bought a "pink sticky paste" intended for school canteens.

Made by Beef Products Inc., a South Dakota company, this paste consisted of small pieces of beef mixed in a juicer and seasoned with ammonia, a ministry-approved process to kill any e.coli bacteria. It was then mixed with ground beef, without this being mentioned in the composition of the final product. In an American television show that aired at the time, "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution," the chef denounced the use of "a product that would be sold in the cheapest form for dogs and, after that process, [given ] to humans ”.

He certainly didn't win any legal battle with McDonald's at the time or since.

As an indirect consequence of this campaign, McDonald's announced at the end of 2011 that it would stop adding this product to its steaks, as reported in an AFP dispatch published in early 2012. Taco Bell and Burger King had also made a decision similar.
Oliver, radical activist chef,
When ever I read something like this in an article, a warning bell rings in my head: " this sounds like revenge journalism".
Jamie is passionate about doing something about junk food, and his school dinners/lunches campaign is definitely designed to make some important ( and long-deserved) changes, but describing him as a radical activist is plonking him in the same basket as the twerps from IS, Extinction rebellion and the Insulate Idiots. He´s just a very enthusiastic chef - and so he should be.
Frankly, I think the addition of fat, skin, cartilage, visceras, bones, head, legs - would make McDonald's burgers taste better. I'd leave out intestines and bones (marrow would be fine). WHY are they supposedly thinking LEGS should be excluded in the making of a burger?

I don't eat McBurgers, because they have NONE of the taste delights of my parents' hamburgers - this was a determination that came about long before I knew anything about nutrition. (Not that my parents put anything people are skeert of into their burgers- but because they respected what a burger should be.)

As for ammonium hydroxide - yes, that was proved false a few number of years ago.

As for the claim on Jamie Oliver's behalf - I think this internet claim came about from people who really dislike McDonalds and want to stick it to them any way they can. Had nothing to do with Oliver - he was just the vehicle.
With that out of the way....
Lets highjack this thread and figure out why Jamie's restaurants went out of business.

When I took the ferry and rode my motorcycle from Wales to Reading, my first restaurant in the Oracle shopping center was a Jamie Oliver restaurant, it smelled amazing, a roast leg of lamb was on the menu. I really enjoyed the meal and it was welcoming, as only good food can be.

Shame it went bust.
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