Labor Day is coming!!

Yeah, something the working class does all the time. :rolleyes:

I’ll make it American-themed, with the sandwich course being PBJ, bologna-and-cheese, and tuna salad, followed by buttermilk biscuits in place of the scones, and the desserts will be mini apple pies and some Jell-o. 🇺🇸
Yeah, something the working class does all the time. :rolleyes:

Pretty sure most people in the US would be like, "Wut? Swap out BBQ food for a glass a teah? Hell nawww!"
Funny but true. If you order "tea" down here in the South, you are going to get iced tea. If you want hot tea, you have to specify hot tea, which gets you a cup of hot water and a tea bag.

Funny but true. If you order "tea" down here in the South, you are going to get iced tea. If you want hot tea, you have to specify hot tea, which gets you a cup of hot water and a tea bag.

Most likely that tea is going to be thick, dark, very sweet iced tea. If you order hot tea, doubtful you will be served any milk and will get stared at as if you have two heads. And you aren't going to get any cress or cucumber sandwiches or "biscuits" (and of course if you ask for biscuits they are not going to be cookies, LOL) with it, nor will you get any Coronation Chicken!
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