Recipe Mince Kebabs


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
Local time
10:34 PM

You will need:
1lb(0.5kg) Minced Lamb
Two onions
1/2lb(0.25kg) of Button mushrooms
Three tomatoes
One green pepper
1/2lb(0.25kg) oatmeal
Two eggs

  • Beat the eggs, add the oatmeal and mix well
  • Add the mince, mixing until a thick dough.
  • With your now clean hands, form the mix into balls approximately an inch(2.5cm) in diameter.
  • Chop the tomatoes, onions and pepper into pieces approximately an inch(2.5cm) across.
  • Prepare skewers, using greensticks from which you have removed the bark(ash, hazel or willow are suitable. Do not use holly or yew.
  • Onto these, thread alternately the meat balls, mushrooms, onions and pepper.
  • Place the skewers above glowing embers(small side fire created for this) on a grill or specially made rack, for approximately 15 minutes. Turning occasionally.
  • After this time, add the tomatoes and replace on the embers for a further five minutes.
A winner in a local Scout camp cooking competition.

Like all entries the recipes get sent to Gilwell Park, for use in any publication.
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