Needing Help please...

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Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
3:48 PM
SE Australia
Time for a really odd request.

I've just changed the method of new membership registrations away from the old Q&A system we had and over to hCaptcha and tested it, but I ran into a problem with the oId email address I tried.

I'd prefer not to try again on my IP address because I've got at least 2 accounts that are in use on this IP address (the others is a test account so I can see what members see, and not what a site owner sees, from time to time).

So, the big ask. If you have a 2nd email address not already in use on CB, could you please try registering and let me know either way if you are sucessful or not.
  • If you are successful, I need to know the member name so I can delete the account off the system (CB rules are that you can only have the 1 account and we have detection software running to alter use to second accounts).
  • And if you are not successful, I need to know the error message please.
Not successful (username Hengis)


I did tick the box and count the cars.

This time, using exactly the same user name and password this was the response.
  • Your account is currently awaiting approval by an administrator. You will receive an email when a decision has been taken.


Thanks for registering. Your registration must now be approved by an administrator. You will receive an email when a decision has been taken.
  • Return to the forum home page
  • Edit your account details
Then I found that I was already a member and had to log out before I could post this under my own moniker.
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Whoops. Before I cleared the formatting (in an edit) if I clicked "Edit your account details" it took me to my account details (Yorky). If others clicked the text would it take them to their account details or mine? Or even Hengis' account details?
Whoops. Before I cleared the formatting (in an edit) if I clicked "Edit your account details" it took me to my account details (Yorky). If others clicked the text would it take them to their account details or mine? Or even Hengis' account details?
No, it will just be remembering cached information nothing more.

I know it is actually working now. Before the duplicate accounts manager was detecting the same ip address as having more than 1 account and preventing sign up for both of us.
I can undo what I did and re-enable that seeing now knowing that the system is actually working correctly.
IP are very wonky things. a VPN or people using proxy servers . . . and the 'dynamic' issue....
if I turn off my modem for a couple days when we're traveling,,,, I get a new IP when reactivating...
I access the internets through a VPN, so I can hide my actual IP address. Would that be helpful for this experiment?

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