Not everyone can fry chicken


Active Member
28 Jan 2023
Local time
12:07 PM
my wife talked to a freind that lives down the street this morning and was telling my wife about frying chicken over the weekend
it didn't go to well , seems like it was burnt on the outside and raw in the middle plus it made one hell of a mess in her kitchen haha
she had asked us a couple of weeks ago about frying some chicken for her but we had forgotten all about it so i guess instead of reminding us , she decided to go it alone . my sides were almost splitting from laughing as i listened to her describe step by step how she fried the chicken , clearly not everyone can fry chicken haha i reckon we need to fry her some chicken haha
Frying chicken is not as easy as people often think it is. And yes, it is a bit messy.

I agree, it's easy to have the oil too hot or not hot enough and end up in a pickle.

One year I decided to deep fry a turkey and oh deary me, sometimes even buying a book and reading up on a subject can't save you 😆

Deep fried pickles are good, and pretty easy to make.

I've deep fried a few turkeys (I do live in Texas), and it is not difficult, but is is dangerous if you do it wrong. You need the right cooking rig, which I have. It is the same rig I have for Cajun crawfish boils.

ya know this wouldn't be so funny if it was a young girl/lady just getting started learning to cook
but this was a 67 year old woman !!!...the woman just can't cook !!! a few years ago she invited us for dinner , she served steak, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob, the steak was like leather, the mashed potatos had so much butter to the point of being like water and the corn on the cobb was so undercooked i could have taken it from the table to the yard and planted it and it would have grown more corn .
Haha burn that kind women who tried her best and failed 🤣 😂
No seriously, maybe you invite her to make food together with your wife and have a good time while showing her the basics and then eat good food together. That's what I would do, when I had the time
one of the funny things she said was that she heated the oil to 500 degrees before putting the chicken in , when she said that i started having troube catching my breath while laughing ... we have and will fry her more chicken .
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