Portuguese food?


9 Sep 2013
Local time
8:02 AM
I recently was having a conversation with a friend about various cuisines, we both live in cities with a lot of variety and options from all over the world. We were discussing various favorites, we both like Spanish food for instance, and we realized neither of us has seen a Portuguese restaurant in our respective cities. Or anywhere else for that matter (we haven't been to Portugal, obviously).

Wracking our brains he came up with Nando's in the UK, which is a chain of Portuguese/Mozambiquan chicken places, but that's by way of South Africa, and a bit of a stretch.

So; is anyone here familiar with straight up Portuguese food? What's it like? I imagine it's similar to Spanish food to a point.
Probably it is really, but certainly I have not seen any Portuguese restaurant in my city despite I live overseas where Spanish and Latin American food is easier to find elsewhere.

I remember to have watched a Brazilian opera soap once many years ago, and their food seemed to be similar to Spanish/Latin American food but with strange names I cannot remember now.

Since Brazil and Portugal share similar roots, and both are near Spanish speaking countries, cooking could be similar.
I don't know that I've ever eaten Portugese, but I imagine it's like Spanish but with an emphasis on seafood, since about half of Portugal is coastal...
Custard tarts are a Portuguese speciality, they sell them everywhere in Lisbon. Very tasty.
I am much more familiar with Brazilian food though as my wife is from there.
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