Printing Recipes from CB

Do you print (or have you ever printed) recipes from CB?

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Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
8:41 PM
SE Australia
I find and have always found printing recipes a pain from CookingBites and have been working on a solution. I now have one but it means quite a bit of work to change all of the old recipes (inc video/retro) to print across the entire page (as though a word document has been printed) rather than the tabulated style it currently prints. It also means a couple of hours work to make some changes to the site to get future recipes set up and a little member training to use (actually it is exactly the same as if you wanted to set up a poll, just select another tab (called recipes oddly enough) instead of thread or poll.) The latter is going to happen, I'm just wondering if it is worth the effort to change all the old recipes over to the better printing style.


Members would need to select 'Recipe' instead of 'Discussion' or 'Poll'. Currently three default option is discussion, Recipe won't yet show outside of my test area, but the above is what you'd see and visually there would be minimal difference, only at the printing level usd there a significant difference (the first post is printed outside of the table format that currently happens). I'll add some examples later. But for now, if you could let me know if you print, it if you don't, is it because it is an awful format?

I voted yes because I have copied and pasted recipes from CB to word processing software but have not printed them. Other than documents for Thai Immigration, I rarely print anything these days.
Am I not looking properly? Aside from the photo being a bit smaller in the discussion style, which saves printing ink and improves lay-out, I can't see much (any?) difference.
It looks similar but not exactly the same to me, just some slight rearrangement. Then again, I'm on my phone, so those are both teeny-tiny.

For the record, I don't print out recipes. Haven't done so for years.
I very rarely print recipes and if I do it's because I'm referencing 2 or more to come up with my own, which I then type up and save if we like it.

I will use copy and paste to save a recipe to our cloud cookbook so I always have it and can find it quickly.
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