The CookingBites recipe challenge: cream cheese

Another long investigation of the WWW today. It's always long if you've found a lovely bottle of wine to go with your Camembert au lait crú :laugh: :laugh:
I've got some ideas at last. Yes, finally found something worthy of the challenge ( and which boots me out of my uncreative slumber:D:D
You know, that WWW can mean so many different things...but I figured out you meant the worldwide web.
Another sweet one from me: 4-flavour cheesecake

The first time I ever made this, it was Saturday night, husband was out at a bachelor party, I had a great time messing up the kitchen and I was so proud when it was done!

Here's another offering: Roasted Garlic Cheesecake
This makes a delicious starter. The sweetness of the roasted garlic ( and you can use double the amount if you wish - garlic is good!) with the creaminess of the cream cheese works really well.
I only made half the recipe, so I didn't use the springform pan; I used some moulds that were totally inadequate, but then used a round cutter to make them look nice.
The smoked salmon version is also great.
Roasted garlic cheesecake 1.jpg
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