The friendly ingredient


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
3:01 AM
As some of us have gotten older, we find ourselves taking certain medications which have the unfortunate side effect of causing constipation. For those who are younger, this normally occurs from a low fiber intake.

Fiber in the diet usually comes from Fruits and Vegetables and for those who are more carnivorous or typically have high Protein diets, it can be a pain, literally, as it is for us oldsters who suffer the medication side effect. Certain medications can cause constipation, even though Fruits and Vegetables are consumed and not all of us like Prunes.

But, take heart, there is a friendly food additive that has no flavor and can relieve the problem - Dietary Fiber Powder. You can buy this stuff at the grocery store and add a tablespoon or so to meals that normally include some liquidity. This can be anything from Breakfast Cereal with Milk to Soups, Stews, Gravies and so forth.

Dietary Powder has no flavor, but it provides that necessary assist to prevent that unwanted pain in the A_s. :okay:
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