The General Chat Thread (2024)?

Brill. You said what you were applying to do wasn't related to your degree so how did that bit pan out?
I'll probably have to do both years full time, though I may be able to get out of the industry placement, but doing it might actually be more useful because I've not been employed in Australia. My BSc Hons degree was in Management Science with Chemistry. (The uncompleted PhD was in Organic Chemistry.) Degrees in the field I actually worked in didn't exist when I was at university, but then neither did the internet or programs like MS Excel. That only came out after I finished my degree.
Been busy these last few weeks and even busier these last few days....

Finally decided to go back to university and get a masters degree... the Aussie system is so very different to what I'm familiar with. It's been hard work navigating the system and getting identification and so on...
Congrats on heading back to school, SatNav!

I very, very nearly went back to do a masters in 2021. My “career”, such as it was, had hit a brick wall and I was essentially stuck in a dead-end, entry-level position at almost 40 years old - it’s a long story. Anyway, I’d found a new masters program that was opening up exactly in my field, so I was planning to take a one-year educational leave of absence from my job and do that. If nothing else, I figured a change of scenery for a year would do me good, so I started to pull my application together.

Covid ended up delaying the program start for a year, and then I found the posting for my current job, applied and got it. Career unstuck and I’m happy where I am, but I do still wonder where I might be now if I’d done my masters straight after undergrad (which a lot of my professors were urging me to do).
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