To Your Health


11 Sep 2013
Local time
4:43 AM
Ludington, MI
I'm not a strict vegan or an animal right guy but I know and respect fireman, tri-athlete and author Rip Esselstyn.

He made quite a splash with his first book The Engine 2 Diet - a 28-day save-your-life plan to lower cholesterol and burn off fat. I went on this diet and lost weight but more than that his first few chapters described healthy choices and discussed exactly what we do to our bodies and health by way of eating unhealthy.

I'm posting this primarily for those who have dieted, love food but want to lose weight and have a plan. The stories in the book and advice could actually scare you into trying Rip's plan out. His family has been instrumental for decades with the renowned heart department at the Cleveland Clinic back to his grandfather and father.

His latest tome is My Beef with Meat written to further convince you to change your eating ways.
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