Unable to view photos posted.


Kitchen Witch
29 Jul 2019
Local time
8:11 AM
The Netherlands
[Mod.edit - following few posts moved to Site support (MG)]

The ordeal continues, some worse than others

The brown rice and quinoa salad really being like much than steamed brown rice on lettuce. When I was served the very same thing again for my evening meal that day, I objected. Not only had I not appreciated a plate of stranded rice on lettuce leaves, but I wasn't having it twice in one day when something else had been agreed on. The actual meal was fine.

It says I have no permission to view the pics
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It says I have no permission to view the pics

That is very strange as I can see them perfectly and they are also posted in the forum media area. Can you try clicking on 'media' in the green toolbar and see if you can see them. There are a few media items posted more recently but they should be on the first page:

See red arrow pointing to the first you should see:

The ordeal continues, some worse than others

The brown rice and quinoa salad really being like much than steamed brown rice on lettuce. When I was served the very same thing again for my evening meal that day, I objected. Not only had I not appreciated a plate of stranded rice on lettuce leaves, but I wasn't having it twice in one day when something else had been agreed on. The actual meal was fine.

I can't see the images, I get the Oops error message saying I don't have permission to view this page. Just like everyone else, glad it's nothing personal like.
The photos that I am not able to see are SatNavSaysStraightOn photos. I suspect that she is posting them with administrator privileges and the rest of us lowly members are not able to see them for that reason.
I have been having a lot of problems with static whilst in hospital and it affects touch screen objects really badly. I suspect that I had simply reset the permissions on the album when it was created initially, something that is available for anyone to do when creating an album (make a private album) which I had accidentally done.
Administrators and moderators always have access to members private albums simply to be able to help out in an emergency hence why MG could see the pictures.

Anyhow, thank you. I would not have known I had done it and you should now be able to see the pictures.
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I have been having a lot of problems with static whilst in hospital and it affects touch screen objects really badly. I suspect that I had simply reset the permissions on the album when it was created initially, something that is available for anyone to do when creating an album (make a private album) which I had accidentally done.
Administrators and moderators always have access to members private albums simply to be able to help out in an emergency hence why MG could see the pictures.

Anyhow, thank you. I would not have known I had done it and you should now be able to see the pictures.
Yep, I am able to see them now :okay:
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