
  1. Hemulen

    Recipe Savoury meat stew

    Savoury meat stew Serves 3-4 | Preparation 20-30 min, cooking time 2 hours Ingredients ✧ 15 g (0.53 oz/0.13 sticks) butter ✧ 9-10 cloves of garlic ✧ peel of 2 clementines (or mandarins/tangerines) ✧ 700-750 g (1.5-1.7 lb) beef (roast/rump) ✧ 1 teaspoon caster sugar ✧ 0.5 teaspoon (Gochugaru)...
  2. Hemulen

    Recipe Pistachio-Filled Camembert

    Pistachio-Filled Camembert Serves 2 | Preparation 30 min Ingredients 200 g Camembert cheese (round) 50-60 g (~110 ml) unsalted pistachios 3 tablespoons honey Juice and zest of 2 clementines Juice of 1/2-1 lemon (to taste) ___________________________________________________ Few twigs of thyme...
  3. Hemulen

    Recipe Cranberry & white chocolate cake with turmeric

    Cranberry & white chocolate cake with turmeric Serves 10-12 | Preparation and baking time +2 hours Ingredients / Crust A handful of breadcrumbs, almond flour or crushed almonds/nuts and 2 tbsp butter to line two rectangular cake/bread tins (size 12-14 x 26-30 cm) 50 ml (~50 g) butter 55 ml...
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