mustard greens

  1. JAS_OH1

    Recipe Twisted Eggs Benedict with Sausage, Roasted Garlic, and Mustard Greens Gravy

    This is a new twist on eggs Benedict I came up with on the spur of the moment that is easy to prepare, and in the words of my husband this morning as he ate it for the first time, "Scrumptious." The classic eggs Benedict dish combined with the American classic sausage gravy and biscuits turned...
  2. The Late Night Gourmet

    Recipe Mustard Green Pesto

    A pesto needs the following things: greens, nuts, cheese, and oil. Mustard greens are peppery, which adds a wonderful bite to the pesto. They are also stubborn from a texture standpoint: unlike more delicate greens, I had to chop them up before stuffing them in the food processor. I also...
  3. Morning Glory

    Recipe Mustard Kale, Mushrooms & Crispy Bacon with Dijon Mustard Sauce

    I discovered mustard kale at Ocado, the on-line supermarket I use. Never having tried it before I was intrigued. I’m not a particular fan of kale but I liked the slightly bitter flavour of this one. It did take a lot of cooking though, as the leaves are quite fibrous. You could substitute...
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